Break Free from "Because My Mother Said So"

Stop Living the Life Your Mother Wanted and Start Living Your Own

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How to Stop Living the Life Your Mom Wanted and Start Living Your Own

(Like a Boss / Queen / Adult)

Do you feel stuck in your life? Like you're doing all the "right" things but you still don't get what you want? Do you call your mom (or other influential figure) every time you need to make a decision? Do you listen to other voices instead of your own, even when it's something really personal like "what's my favorite color?"


Personal story: Years ago, I was making a huge career change. Every day, I would think hard about what I wanted, and then I'd call my mom to chat about what I'd learned and what I was planning to do. Those phone calls ended with me having wholly different plans. Why? Because my own opinions were less important to me than my mother's. After I realized this, I instituted a new rule. We weren't allowed to talk about my career choices until I'd finished deciding what I was going to do. Because whatever she said, I ended up agreeing and working to make happen.

So you'd think, after having this experience, oh, 15-20 years ago, that I would've noticed how my life revolved around her opinions. From how I did my hair to what gas station I used. But no! I finished the career transition, and then I was right back to my old behaviors. This state continued for years until I was really ready to change. So it took me, what?, over a decade to close the loop on this? Ack.

I wasted so much time and energy pursuing things that didn't make me happy. I wasted money buying thing that weren't what I wanted. They were all worthy goals and aspirations for someone else (namely, my mom), but not for me.

Don't let that happen to you! You've already made the first step to getting your life on track. You've seen your problem. You're here.

Don't wait a few decades to take control of your life in drips and drabs (the way I did). Take a closer look at your dreams, your desires, your actions, and your beliefs NOW. Then you can live how YOU want to, not how your mom assumed you would. (Even if these turn out to be the same, you'll be so much happier for knowing it’s your choice.)

Sound good?

This course will cover:

  • Discovering what you want in life (big and small)
  • Knowing what you're doing on automatic, not on purpose
  • How to take action on your newly-realized desires
  • Trusting your inner voice/desires
  • Releasing anxiety about making changes

How will we do this?

  • Discussion
  • Lots of journal prompts (my fave way to effectively discover how I really feel)
  • Writing exercises (to solve your personal blocks)
  • Activity homework (to make the real changes in your external life)
  • Soothing 10 minute audio tracks (to get your body calm and capable of making these huge leaps)

This course was recorded live and personal in May 2019. Although this version is the recording of those sessions, you still have access to the secret Facebook group where you can share your progress and support other freedom-seekers. I encourage you to get active in the group and support each other through these changing times!

If you want some more personal attention, you can still sign up for the VIP package. You get an hour of 1-on-1 video call with me every week, all about your personal blocks. I won’t solve your problems for you—after all, I’m not your mother—but you’ll be guided to your own answers more personally and given more chances to experience loving support. You can do this!

Special option only for people living in Seattle! Upgrade to the LOCALS ONLY package and get a weekly private Yin Yoga session to calm your body while your mind makes these giant shifts. Mindset isn't enough to make a life change really stick. You need to feel calm and safe. That’s why weekly soothing audios are part of this course for the whole group. As a certified Yin Yoga instructor, I believe that Yin Yoga is the ideal way to get your body to chill out so you can lean in to the changes you’re making.

Your Instructor

Janine Southard
Janine Southard

Hiya. I'm Janine, your guide to changing the world you live in. Tiny tweaks to your mindset make a huge difference to how you feel and how you act, which feeds into the positive cycle to make you happier and more motivated... I would know. After two years struggling with depression, and an adult lifetime of being a Gen X'er living a Millenial lifestyle, I've found my way back to happiness. And it all came from knowing what I wanted. Seems simple, right? But it isn't as easy as all that. You can do it too! I'm here to help you find your way and support you in taking action.

I'm always excited to help you discover more about yourself... and to sneak in some calming breathing exercises here and there.

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the course start and finish?
This course is full and complete. It starts when you sign up and ends when you're ready. You'll have access to the course forever, so you can work at your own pace and come back to any discussions you want to hear again and again.
How long do I have access to the course?
How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own. Plus, I've been known to add things and make additions long after the fact, so you'll also have access to those!
What if I don't have Facebook?
That's fine! If you don't have Facebook, it means you can't be part of the supportive group sharing, but you'll still have access to all the recorded discussions and to the soothing audio files.
Are refunds available if I decide I don't want the course after all?
I don't want you to be unhappy. If you request a refund within 24 hours of enrolling in the course, you'll get a 100% refund, no questions asked. That's usually enough time to realize that you signed up by mistake or get through any buyers remorse. Mistakes happen! I totally get that. However, once you're out of the 24-hour window, you're a student, and you'll have access to this course (and any improvement) in perpetuity. If something comes up and you need a break from the course, you have lifetime access, so you can pause in your lessons and then come back to pick up where you left off. This is the beauty of online courses! Take all the sick days you need.

Get started now!